Mission & Strategy

Mission | Values | Strategy

Indiana University Columbus Mission

Indiana University Columbus strives to be the destination for those who seek a high-quality education and a welcoming, distinctive small university experience that champions diversity, equity, inclusion, social justice, and belonging and prepares our students to collaborate and contribute in meaningful and significant ways both locally and globally to twenty-first-century communities. Our mission is to advance the State of Indiana and the intellectual growth of its citizens to the highest levels nationally and internationally through research and creative activity, teaching and learning, and civic engagement by offering a distinctive range of bachelor's, master's, and professional degrees.

In pursuing its mission, IU Columbus provides for its constituents, excellence in:

  • Teaching and Learning
  • Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity
  • Civic Engagement, Locally, Nationally, and Globally

With each of these core activities characterized by:

  • Collaboration within and across disciplines and with the community,
  • A commitment to ensuring diversity, and
  • Pursuit of best practices

IU Columbus Value Statement

IU Columbus values the commitment of students to learning; of faculty to the highest standards of teaching, scholarship, and service; and of staff to the highest standards of service.

IU Columbus recognizes students as partners in learning. We value the opportunities afforded by our location and are committed to learning from and meeting the needs of the communities we serve. Our students, faculty, and staff are involved in the community, providing educational, workforce, and leadership programs, collaborating with a wide array of community and clinical partners, and engaging in context-driven research. As a leader in fostering collaborative relationships, we value collegiality, cooperation, diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, social justice, creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship as well as honesty, integrity, and support for open inquiry and dissemination of findings. IU Columbus is committed to the personal and professional development of a diverse campus community of students, faculty, and staff; continuous improvement of its programs and services; and building a strong, welcoming campus community for all.

Vision 2030 Strategic Plan

The 2030 strategic plan builds upon the solid foundation that has been built over the last 50 years to ensure the strongest possible start for IU Columbus. Our bold new vision is designed to increase the number of job-ready graduates in an innovation-led economy, fuel economic growth in the region and the state, and enhance service to the Indianapolis community and beyond.

Read the Vision 2030 Strategic Plan

Members of the Strategic Planning Committee

Student Success:
Joan Poulsen, Academic and Student Affairs and UCOL (Chair)
Julia Angulo, Advising
Shelley Arroyo, Student Affairs
Jay Lesandrini, Communications and Marketing
Scott McIntyre, Enrollment Management
Deborah Spoerner, Division of Health Sciences

Julie Goodspeed-Chadwick, Division of Liberal Arts (Chair)
Alisha Johnson, Division of Science
Laura Liu, Division of Education
Jon Padfield, Division of Business

Service to Our State:
Ryan Brewer, Division of Business (Chair)
Melissa Fairbanks, CBED
A’ame Joslin, Division of Education
Paige McDaniel, Division of Health Sciences
Marsha VanNahmen, Center for Teaching and Learning
Laura Watson, Division of Health Sciences

Executive Leadership Members
Reinhold Hill, Vice Chancellor and Dean
Lori Montalbano, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Dean of Students