Brittany Gray
Assistant Director
IU Columbus Office of Development works to cultivate and grow relations with area partners and constituents to create successful opportunities for our students, our campus, and our region.
You are a vital part of our success.
When you support higher education, you are securing the future of your community. IU Columbus offers you an opportunity to make a direct impact on this future.
Through financial support, you will nurture bright minds and inspire tomorrow’s leaders. You can also participate in the various educational public programs offered at IU Columbus, all which foster excellence in education to serve our communities.
For those who are able to give, any level of support makes a difference and is greatly appreciated. IU Columbus has processes in place to ensure that emergency funds flow quickly to our students in urgent need.
Thank you once again for all that you do to support IU Columbus. Your loyalty and commitment are very much appreciated.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones.
If you want to make an annual gift each year—or a one-time gift of any amount—we accept cash, credit cards, personal checks, and online donations.
Planned gifts are those you design now for future support. Read more about wills, bequests, annuities and estate plans. Discover new ways to make a gift that will take into consideration your personal circumstances and the needs of your heirs.
Multiply the impact of your gift with a matching gift from your employer or another organization.
If you prefer to make a gift via mail, you can do so by mailing a check written to “IU Foundation” and mailing it to the address below. If you have a fund preference, please include that information along with your check.
IU Foundation
c/o Indiana University Columbus
4601 Central Ave.
Columbus, IN 47203
Feel free to call Ashanée Player, Director of Development, at any time to answer any questions you may have.
Brittany Gray
Assistant Director
Ashanee Player
The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, containing policy statements, crime and fire statistics for all Indiana University campuses, is available online. You may also request a physical copy by emailing IU Public Safety at iups@iu.edu or by visiting IUPD.