As an Undergraduate degree-seeking student at IU Columbus, you will be named to the Dean's List if you meet these academic criteria during the spring and fall semesters.
As an Undergraduate degree-seeking student at IU Columbus, you will be named to the Dean's List if you meet these academic criteria during the spring and fall semesters.
Undergraduate students who are recognized as members of the Dean's List must meet the following criteria.
In the specific case of the final semester before a student graduates, naming to the Dean's List can be made for fewer than 12 completed credits. Pass (P) and Satisfactory (S) grades, while not used in GPA calculation, are considered passing grades, and count toward the 12-credit minimum. Incomplete (I) and Deferred (R) grades, while not used in the GPA calculation, are not considered passing grades, and are therefore not counted toward the 12-credit minimum requirement.
Students who have chosen to restrict the release of public directory information will not be included on the published dean’s list.
*The Dean's List criteria has been revised beginning with the fall 2024 semester.
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