Reinhold Hill, Ph.D.
Vice Chancellor and Dean
The Vice Chancellor's Leadership Team serves in an advisory capacity to IU Columbus's vice chancellor and dean on all matters pertaining to effective campus operations. This includes resource needs, implementation and assessment of campus strategy progress, security, and other matters that impact daily operations. Individually, members provide functional area leadership, insights, and direction to the planning process as it relates to their area of responsibility.
Reinhold Hill, Ph.D.
Vice Chancellor and Dean
Luke Jacobus, Ph.D.
President of the Faculty
Director, Communications and Marketing
Zach McClellan
Director of Athletics
Scott McIntyre
Director, Enrollment Management
Lori Montalbano, Ph.D.
Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs / Dean of Students
Joan Poulsen, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs
Nick Ray
Regional Campus CIO, Office of the Vice President for IT and CIO
Dan Youngblood
Chief Financial Officer, Finance and Administration
Vice Chancellor and Dean Reinhold Hill serves as the chief executive officer at Indiana University Columbus. Dr. Hill and members of his Leadership Team, form the core leadership structure of the growing campus.
Contact the Office of the Vice Chancellor and Dean at 812-348-7226 or covcd@iu.edu for additional information about the organizational structure at IU Columbus.
The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, containing policy statements, crime and fire statistics for all Indiana University campuses, is available online. You may also request a physical copy by emailing IU Public Safety at iups@iu.edu or by visiting IUPD.