Transferring Credit

Transferring credit to IU Columbus

You may be able to transfer previous coursework to IU Columbus and/or receive credit for experiences you had before attending here.

The Office of Admissions reviews previously completed coursework as part of your decision process. After admission, your credits will be reviewed and applied to your degree path. The school or department that houses your major decides how that credit applies to your degree requirements.

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)

If you have work or volunteer experience, served in the military, or participated in non-credit training, you might be eligible to use those learning experiences to earn college credits. CPL is awarded through a variety of methods. Each school or department at IU Columbus determines its own process.

Types of credit you can transfer

You can earn credit at IU Columbus through the CollegeBoard Advanced Placement Program (AP).

Contact College Board to request that your official scores be sent to IU Columbus at, school code 4216. Scores are typically available mid-July.

Test out

Some programs allow the option to test out of specific courses by taking a proficiency exam. These exams are administered by individual departments or the program coordinator. While the test out process allows you to avoid taking one or more courses, this typically does not award course credit.

IU Columbus accepts transfer credit earned at another regionally-accredited institution in accordance with transfer credit policies. This includes dual credit you may have earned in high school.

Estimate how your credit will transfer >

Advanced College Project Courses (ACP)

ACP courses represent dual credit courses taught at Indiana University. These credits appear directly on your transcript and are applied to your college education. Each course covers the same content, has the same expectations, and gives the same credit as the course taught at the IU campus. Learn about the IU Advance College Project.

Veterans may earn college credit for educational experiences in the armed services. A Joint Services Transcript (JST) should be submitted with the application materials for consideration. Request your JST. See the IU policy on transfer credit related to military service.

Some programs will award credit for certifications you have received through local or national organizations.

A portfolio is a collection of work and documentation that represents your learning. Portfolios are reviewed by departments or faculty to determine the appropriate amount of credit.

Examples of documents that would go into a portfolio

Depending on the type of assessment your department requires, the following examples of documentation may be useful to gather for portfolio assessment or assessment of certificates and licensures:

  • Completion of recognized academic programs.
  • Certificates and other credentials with their fulfillment criteria.
  • Résumé.
  • Documentation of project management skills.
  • Documentation of skills consistent with those expected in the course being reviewed(e.g., an animated short film, a mobile application, an e-commerce website).
  • Job descriptions.
  • Passing a comprehensive examination on the contents of the course.
  • Service to a nongovernmental organization or the government (e.g., a volunteer organization, the military, diplomatic corps)
  • Report on funded and unfunded research projects.
  • Syllabi of courses covering similar content.
  • Testimonials of course-related knowledge and skills acquisition.
  • Documentation of professional activities clarifying acquired knowledge and skills concerning the course’s contents, such as developing a website for a community service organization, contributing to IT fair projects, mentorship, performance reviews, presenting or publishing scholarship, and producing a video.


See individual types of assessment above for any CPL-type-specific policies or fees.

Transfer Single Articulation Pathways (TSAP)

Students who complete an Associate's Degree in a TSAP program can transfer with Junior status. Those students completed at least 60 credit hours and will only need to complete 60 more credits to graduate with a Bachelor's Degree. 

These TSAPs are recognized by the Indiana State Department of Education. 


Have official transcripts and test scores sent to:

IU Columbus
Attn:Office of Admissions
4601 Central Avenue
Columbus, IN 47203


IU Columbus accepts official transcripts that are sent electronically. We do not accept PDFs of transcripts; your transcript must be electronically generated from an official system.