Susan Conrad
Academic Advisor
Traditional and Accelerated BSN
Your academic advisor is here to guide you as you pursue your goals at IU Columbus, and ultimately help you connect with a fulfilling career. Academic advising is an integral part of your college experience and most students will meet with their advisor at least once per semester.
The Academic Advising Guide helps students understand the academic advising process, and provides a pathway for academic success. Advising Guide
Susan Conrad
Academic Advisor
Traditional and Accelerated BSN
Rob Darringer, M.S.
Academic Advisor
Accounting, Education, Finance
Academic Advisor
Anthropology, Communication Studies, Criminal Justice, English (Creative Writing and Literature), History, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology, Early College, UCOL non-degree, Visiting
Amy Kleinert
Associate Director of Career Services
General Studies
Academic Advisor
Biology, Pre-Chemistry, Pre-Computer Science, Exploratory, Pre-Forensic Science
To provide you with the best counsel, advisors must have time to review your academic history, plan, and progress. Although some questions can be answered via e-mail or phone, good advising almost always occurs during a scheduled appointment. To schedule an appointment, use the Student Appointment Scheduler available through One.IU.
Because advisors help you make important choices about your degree program and career goals, please be prepared before coming to advising appointments.
Although you and your advisor will select specific courses for the next semester during the appointment, you will register yourself for classes with One.IU. Register as soon as possible after your advising appointment to ensure that the courses you chose are still available.
Explore these links for related information:
The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, containing policy statements, crime and fire statistics for all Indiana University campuses, is available online. You may also request a physical copy by emailing IU Public Safety at iups@iu.edu or by visiting IUPD.