

ScholarSupport is a program developed to advise and assist students with navigating their way through college. From start to finish we provide academic support, encourage personal development, increase financial literacy, promote career development, and so much more.

The IU Columbus ScholarSupport program is dedicated to implementing the university’s vision of “intellectual and personal development, community engagement, and preparation to enter the global workforce,” by providing resources for 21st Century Scholar students to achieve both academic and personal success. 21st Century Scholar students who engage with the ScholarSupport program will be provided opportunities to develop a sense of community and foster self-awareness and independence. Students will be empowered to seek out and utilize potential resources that encourage lifelong success.

austin newberry
Austin Newberry
Student Sucess Coach
Office: 156H

Are you a 21st Century Scholar?

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History of 21st Century Scholars

A national model for student success, the 21st Century Scholars program has evolved over its 30-year history with one goal in mind—to get more Hoosiers into and through college with a degree.

Since 1990, Indiana’s 21st Century Scholars program has helped thousands of low-income Hoosier students aspire to and afford a college education. The early-promise scholarship program goes beyond paying college tuition and fees, with clear expectations that prepare students for success beyond high school.

Scholars are required to keep their grades up, avoid drugs and alcohol, complete key college-readiness activities during high school, complete career and engagement activities while in college, and stay on track to earn their degrees on time.

Today the Scholars program is a national model for promoting student success, representing significant ongoing financial commitment by Indiana’s lawmakers and contributing to Indiana’s status as one of the most generous states in the nation for need-based student financial aid. As Indiana marks the 30th anniversary of the Scholars program, now is the time to reflect upon its growth, its impact on the lives of Hoosiers and the opportunities to make the program even stronger.