2011-2012 Student Research Exhibition
During the 2011-12 academic year, the Office of Student Research received 16 student research grant applications. Of this number, ten were funded and nine were successfully completed.
Students: Caroline Arbuckle and Carina Cole Faculty advisor: Dr. Allison Howland Area: Education Project title: Building a Model for Language Acquisition Through Inquiry-Based Science Instruction: Universal Design for Learning Using Lego WeDo and iPad Technologies as the Instructional Platform for Field-Based Experiences | 
Student: Danielle Dias Faculty advisor: Dr. Jennifer Connor-Zachocki Area: Education Project title: Using Digital Media Projects to Enhance Fourth Grade Students' 21st-Century Literacies: An Action Research Project |  |
Student: Kristen Brasher Faculty advisor: Dr. Anna Carmon Area: Communication studies Project title: Boundaries of Privacy: An Examination of Family Satisfaction, Work Satisfaction, and Work-Life Balance |  |
Student: Nathan Walsh Faculty advisor: Dr. Joan Poulsen Area: Psychology Project title: Adolescent Substance Abuse Patterns: The Effects of Ostracism, Social Pain, and the Need to Belong |  |
Student: Olivia Pavlov Faculty advisor: Dr. Kimdy Le Area: Psychology Project title: Personality Predicts Research Preferences |  |
Students: David Cool and Darby Funke (not pictured) Faculty advisor: Dr. Luke Jacobus Area: Biology Project title: The Ecologies of Two Rare Mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) from Bartholomew County, Indiana | 
Student: Carrie Scherschel Faculty advisor: Dr. Allison Howland Area: Education Project title: Engagement with Schools and Families in Crisis |  |
Student: Cynthia Scott Faculty advisor: Dr. Kathy Wills Area: Technical writing Project title: Engineering Students Make Order Out of Chaos 1: Archival Research on a Tinguely Kinetic Sculpture |  |
Student: Catherine Walker Faculty advisor: Dr. Joan Poulsen Area: Psychology Project title: Assessing Crisis Interventions: A Follow-Up to the 2008 Flood |  |