Feeding Tube Properties and Fluid Viscosity: Effects on the Accuracy of Gastric Residual Volume- STUDENTS: Morgan Abel, Ashley Baker, Emily Bare, Romy Clarkson, Kristian Dixon, Penny Dorsett, Lauren Earl, Samantha Hicks, Amie Jarosz, Sandra Poore, Kara Shuler, and Rebecca Williams
- ADVISOR: Dr. Rebecca Bartlett Ellis
- DIVISION: Nursing
- ABSTRACT: Recent studies suggest that assessing residual volumes in tube fed patients may not provide clinically important information about the patient’s tolerance of tube feedings and thus the assessment should not be routinely performed in nursing practice. Our in vitro studies will help to establish if there is a difference in residual volume assessment when different types of feeding tubes are used when the fluid viscosity varies. These findings will help add to nursing knowledge about the assessment of residual volume, help to inform nursing practice whether this assessment is consistent across feeding tubes and viscosities studied as well as to determine if residual volume assessment provides an accurate assessment of the actual contents present in the stomach and thus provide information to determine feeding tube tolerance.
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Factors Affecting Young College Consumers’ Online Purchase Intention in Social Media Websites- STUDENT: Kyleigh Arnold
- ADVISOR: Dr. Jungkook Lee
- DIVISION: Business
- ABSTRACT: This study attempts to investigate factors that influence online purchase intention among young college consumers in the social media websites. The technology acceptance model and the theory of reasoned action will be employed to develop the conceptual framework. Three factors, namely perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and subjective norm will be tested.
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The Effects of False Feedback and Self-Perception on Working Memory- STUDENT: Rodney Burton
- ADVISOR: Dr. Thomas Redick
- DIVISION: Science
- ABSTRACT: Short-term memory measures are used as to assess cognitive functioning in many different fields of psychology, such as developmental, clinical, and educational areas. Some type of feedback is usually provided during the assessment - but what if the feedback (positive, negative, or none) improves or impairs one's subsequent short-term memory performance? In addition, one’s perception of performance on a previous short-term memory test may unduly influence performance on subsequent assessments. Thus, this research project investigated the role of feedback (positive, negative, or none) and self-perception in relation to repeated short-term memory performance.
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Exploring Gender Representation in Traditional & Non-Traditional Fairy Tales- STUDENT: Mike Fry
- ADVISOR: Dr. Allison Howland
- DIVISION: Education
- ABSTRACT: Due to gender conventions that are present in our society today, stereotypes relating to gender have a large influence in the social and emotional development of children. Particularly in the field of education, the under-representation of the female character continues to influence young readers within children’s literature. Given the widely accepted stereotypical views portrayed in traditional fairy tales, this research project aims to examine the impact of traditional versus non-traditional fairy tales (that represent a more empowered sense of the female character) on how children spontaneously represent gender.
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The Mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) of the Serengeti in Tazania- STUDENT: Ashley Garlick
- ADVISOR: Dr. Luke Jacobus
- DIVISION: Science
- ABSTRACT: Mayflies are particularly sensitive to pollution in water and are used worldwide as biological indicators of environmental quality. However, our level of basic knowledge varies greatly from region to region, including which genera and species occur. Relatively little is known about African mayflies. Based on our research, 49 genera from 11 families are now known from Tanzania, several of which represent new country records, including one genus new to science. One additional new species has been discovered.
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The Price of Valuing Money on Well-Being- STUDENT: Rhianna Grumeretz
- ADVISOR: Dr. Kimdy Le
- DIVISION: Science
- ABSTRACT: The research project investigated how having different types of goals influence well-being over time. We examined a longitudinal data set that spanned 6 years and found that individuals who valued extrinsic goals such as money over intrinsic goals such as relationships or competence experienced lower well-being over time.
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Nurses’ Attitudes and Education Surrounding Patient Education- STUDENTS: Susan Humpf and Heather Lambrecht
- ADVISOR: Dr. Rebecca Bartlett Ellis
- DIVISION: Nursing
- ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to examine nurses’ attitudes toward patient education and describe the educational preparation of nurses in communicating and educating patients. Specifically, we will explore how nurses educate patients, the variety of resources used in the educational process and organizational facilitators or barriers that may exist in providing patient education. The results of this study will help to inform education and clinical practice in efforts to provide comprehensive education to both nurses and patients in preparing for discharge from the hospital.
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The Impact of Resilience and Character Strengths Training Upon Female Offenders- STUDENT: Joann Mitchell
- ADVISOR: Dr. Joan Poulsen
- DIVISION: Science
- ABSTRACT: The Madison Resilience Study is intended to test if an intervention to boost resiliency and emphasize positive character traits can help female inmates and Madison Correctional Facility. Through a series of lessons, inmates are taught how to use their existing inner-strengths to bounce back from life’s challenges. The intervention is based on existing Resilience programs, and aims to lower depression, anxiety, and stress, while strengthening the self-concept, and ultimately reducing re-arrest rates after parole.
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Action Research in Practice: Critical Literary in a First Grade Classroom through Multimodal Texts- STUDENT: Danielle Nickerson
- ADVISOR: Dr. Jennifer Conner-Zachocki
- DIVISION: Education
- ABSTRACT: This research investigated the cognitive and social processes and products of first grade students as they engaged in a critical literacy unit that made use of multimodal texts. The unit invited first grade students to look critically at the ways in which family-oriented advertisements include or exclude people representing a variety of races, abilities, family types, and genders. Students also examined how color, images, music, and other non-linguistic modalities were used to enhance the impact of the advertisements on their intended audiences.
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All Things Have a Beginning- STUDENT: Taylor Yarling
- ADVISOR: Dr. Anna Carmon
- DIVISION: Liberal Arts
- ABSTRACT: Taylor investigated the methods individuals used to initiate romantic relationships. He specifically examined how communicator styles, extroversion affect the method (i.e., face to face, texing, social media sites) of initiation in romantic relationships. The study provided results that friendly communicator style was the only communicator style that predicted the method of romantic relationship initiation.
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