Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs / Dean of Students
The Associate Dean for Student Affairs maintains the IU Columbus community standards by helping students, faculty, and staff report any all situations of misconduct.
Specifically, she oversees the process for Admissions Clearances, manages the adjudication of all student conduct cases, and chairs the IU Columbus Behavioral Consultation Team.
In the noble pursuit of Scholarship and Lifetime Learning, the students, faculty, and staff of the IU Columbus Community maintain a commitment to our Shared Values & Beliefs.
Indiana University wants to be a place where all students, faculty, and staff feel safe to engage on our campuses. IU Columbus encourages every member of our Crimson Pride to report their experiences of bias-based treatment. If you choose not to do so, your privacy will be respected.
Any act of discrimination or harassment based on:
Lori Montalbano
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs / Dean of Students
CC Building
Columbus, IN
IU Columbus’s associate dean for student affairs can serve as a neutral, impartial staff member who can assist with the resolution of problems and disputes. One of her more important responsibilities is providing confidential and informal assistance to students, faculty, and staff.
Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs / Dean of Students
The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, containing policy statements, crime and fire statistics for all Indiana University campuses, is available online. You may also request a physical copy by emailing IU Public Safety at iups@iu.edu or by visiting IUPD.