Designed for students who have earned a bachelor’s degree in another field and want to become registered nurses, IU Columbus offers a Second Degree Accelerated Track to earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). The program moves quickly–18 months of full time study–with a concept-based, cutting edge curriculum that prepares you for a nursing career.
Admission Requirements and Guidelines
- Complete required general education coursework with a grade of C or higher.
- Achieve a minimum 2.7 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale for your first bachelor’s degree.
- Demonstrate a GPA of 3.0 or higher for all general education coursework applied to the BSN degree.
- Complete all general education courses with a C (2.0) or higher by the second attempt to be eligible for admission. This applies to courses taken at IU Columbus or any other university.
- Repeat no more than two required science/math courses (anatomy, physiology, microbiology, and finite math) to obtain a minimum grade of a C.
- Courses in anatomy, physiology, math, and microbiology must be completed no more than seven years prior to the date that the application is submitted.
- No more than a total of three courses can be repeated.
- Complete student criminal disclosure form. (submitted along with online application)
Admission Application Criteria:
Complete prerequisite courses; courses on application must be at least a 3.0 GPA.
- Arts & Humanities course
- BIOL-N 217, Physiology
- BIOL-N 251, Microbiology
- BIOL-N 261, Human Anatomy
- COMM-R 110, Fundamentals of Speech Communication
- Cultural Understanding course
- ENG-W 131, English Composition
- MATH-M 118, Finite Math or higher
- PSY-B 104, PSY-B 105, or PSY-B 110, Introductory Psychology
- SOC-R 100, Introductory Sociology
The science/math GPA is 60 percent of the admission score, while the general education GPA is weighted at 30 percent of the admission score. 10 percent of the admission score will be given for healthcare experience.
- Apply to IU Columbus and have official transcripts sent to the university. You will receive email notification of your admission status.
- Apply for admittance to the May 2024 First Summer Term.
- When selecting a major, choose "Nursing (Accelerated Program for Students with Non-nursing Bachelor’s Degree)."
- Please send transcripts to:
- Office of Recruitment and Admissions at IU Columbus
4601 Central Avenue
Columbus, IN 47203
- Office of Recruitment and Admissions at IU Columbus
- Contact the Division of Nursing at 812.348.7250 or for an appointment with an academic advisor. An advisor will interpret your credit transfer report, fill out an admission planning sheet, and discuss with you the courses that can be applied toward requirements for the second-degree accelerated BSN track.
- Enroll in coursework to complete required general education courses. Using your admission planning sheet, enroll in coursework to complete general education requirements. Excellent grades are important as admission is competitive.
- Apply to the Accelerated BSN Second Degree Track. Remember, you must meet with an academic advisor. Applications open February 1st.