Local Support Provider (LSP)
Local support providers, or LSPs, are individuals who are authorized and qualified to provide technology support and services within university schools, departments, and campuses. LSPs must be registered with University Information Technology Services (UITS) at IU Columbus in order to access Tier 2 support services, like access to restricted software and network/user management tools. Tier 2 services include but are not limited to:
- Advanced Windows workstation and server consulting and support
- Security consulting
- Advanced e-mail and moblity support
- technical training and certification
Registration as an LSP will UITS to better serve and support LSPs in their technical support roles at IU Columbus.
Although UITS is generally the clearinghouse for all hardware, software, and network support, we recognize that some divisions and offices have staff who can purchase and manage computers, peripherals, and related equipment and software.
If you would like to register as an LSP at IU Columbus, or if you are already serving as the custodian or LSP of technical resources with administrative level access, please contact coithelp@iu.edu requesting elevated priviledges.