Brooke Hall
Digital Marketing Specialist
We are an in-house marketing, branding, and multimedia production team that tells the story about our faculty, students, and programs. Our reach expands from news releases, brochures, and advertising campaigns to web management, social media, and video production with the primary goal of building awareness and recognition for IU Columbus.
We also strive for excellence in delivering creative, timely, and engaging solutions of all types, including:
We are in the process of updating our request form. If you need service, please send a detailed email to one of the following people.
Brooke Hall (bha1@iu.edu) – Communications-related work including press releases/publicity; website newsroom articles; event calendar listings; campus newsletter.
Dakota Myrick (mdmyrick@iu.edu) – Photography/Videography; website updates; social media posts.
Jay Lesandrini (jlesandr@iu.edu) – Graphic design (flyers, brochures, event programs, table runners; banners; etc.); advertising; digital signage; anything you're unsure who to send it to.
Want something highlighted on social media? Contact Dakota Myrick.
*OCM only manages the official @IUColumbus social media accounts and strongly discourages the creation of any additional IU Columbus related accounts. For the limited number of IU Columbus entities outside of OCM currently with social media accounts, please adhere to the policies below.
Brooke Hall
Digital Marketing Specialist
Heather Land
Marketing Assistant
Assistant Program Director
The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, containing policy statements, crime and fire statistics for all Indiana University campuses, is available online. You may also request a physical copy by emailing IU Public Safety at iups@iu.edu or by visiting IUPD.