LED’s – lights on Campus:
IU Columbus Facilities replaced all of our parking lot pole lights with LED light bulbs. This reduced the overall electric bill by $2300 within the first year. The lightbulbs have a lifetime warranty, and for minimal cost, we were able to save not only on wattage charges, but also on the expense of the continued purchase of bulbs.
Recycling on campus – plastic, paper, trash:
We are currently participating the recycling program with various bins available around campus to collect plastic bottles, paper, and regular trash that go back to recycling plants to help with the ozone layer challenges we are facing globally and our environmental trash collecting.
Green Cleaning Supplies:
We purchase only the Eco friendly soaps and cleaning supplies in our Cafe and for facilities cleaning.
Faucet Aerators:
To help save on water usage, we have installed aerators on all of our faucets in the Columbus Campus Center.
STARS: Sustainability, tracking, assessment, rating system. See how our campus ranks through the IU Indianapolis site here.