The Faculty Senate is comprised of two full-time faculty elected to represent each academic unit. The Senate also includes two members who represent adjunct faculty as well as two additional senators who are elected from the faculty body as a whole. The senate may act on issues and concerns related to student conduct, faculty workload, academic calendar, and curriculum and new program development.
Spring 2025 January 24, 2025 February 14, 2025 March 7, 2025 April 11, 2025 May 9, 2025
FACULTY SENATE, 2024-2025 academic year President (elected by Faculty) Luke Jacobus (Science) (2024) Secretary (elected by Senate) Anna Carmon (Liberal Arts) (2024)
Steve Mohler (2025) Jon Padfield (2024) Ryan Brewer (alternate, 2024) Frank Wadsworth (alternate, 2025)
Karen Garrity (2025) Laura Liu (2024) Larry Ruich (alternate, 2025) Stephanie Serriere (alternate, 2023) Chris Walcott (alternate, 2024)
Lisa Hilliard (2024) Meredith Stewart (2025) Laura Watson (alternate, 2024) Hannah Caudill (alternate, 2025)
Terry Dibble (2024) George Towers (2025) Anna Carmon (alternate, 2024) Julie Goodspeed-Chadwick (alternate, 2025)
The Executive Committee of the Senate is comprised of the Chairs of the Standing Committees, the Faculty President, the Faculty Senate Secretary, and the Vice Chancellor and Dean. This committee develops the agendas of the Faculty Senate meetings and operates in the stead of the Faculty Senate during the summer months.
In addition, the senate has standing committees chaired by faculty members who may or may not be senators. The standing committees that report to the Faculty Senate are:
The Academic Affairs Committee shall review and advise the Senate on matters such as program and curriculum development, improvement of instruction, grades and grading, scholastic probation, dismissal for academic reasons and reinstatement, standards for admission, academic placement, the academic calendar, policies for scheduling classes, honors programs, general educational policy, general research policies, military training programs, and inter-departmental and inter-institutional research and educational programs.
Denotes Chair (2024-2025)
MEMBER (Term expires at special April/May Senate meeting of the year listed)
Steve Mohler (2025)
Laura Liu (2025)
Deborah Spoerner (2024)
Liberal Arts
Terry Dibble (2024)
Andrea Gillett (2024)
Ex officio
Joan Poulsen; rep. from UCOL;
Denotes Chair (2024-2025)
MEMBER (Term expires at special April/May Senate meeting of the year listed)
Ryan Brewer (2024)
Stephanie Serriere (2024)
Hannah Caudill (2025)
Liberal Arts
Anna Carmon (2025)
Alisha Johnson (2025)
Student Representative
Connor Beatty (2025)
Student Representative
Cora Baker (2025)
Ex Officios
Jayne Morris; Joan Poulson; Zach McClelland
The Budgetary and Resources Policy Committee shall inform the Senate on budgeting procedures, points of potential faculty input into budgetary decisions and other appropriate financial matters, and shall advise the Vice Chancellor and Dean through the Senate on budgetary matters affecting the academic mission of IU Columbus.
Denotes Chair (2024-2025)
MEMBER (Term expires at special April/May Senate meeting of the year listed)
Ryan Brewer (2025)
A'ame Joslin (2024)
Karen East (2025)
Liberal Arts
Kate Wills (2024)
Emily Dill (2025)
Kathy Compton (2025)
Ex officio
Dan Youngblood
The Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall review the Constitution and Bylaws of the Faculty, shall draft amendments to propose to the Senate for approval, shall consult with faculty members who wish to propose amendments, and shall provide interpretation of the Constitution and Bylaws when needed.
Denotes Chair (2024-2025)
MEMBER (Term expires at special April/May Senate meeting of the year listed)
Larita Killian (2024)
Gae Stoops (2024)
Liberal Arts
Pamela Morris (2025)
Barbara Hass-Jacobus (2025)
The Faculty Affairs Committee shall review and advise the Senate on those matters which pertain primarily to the responsibilities, rights, privileges, opportunities, and welfare of the Faculty, collectively and individually. These matters include, but are not limited to, policies and procedures related to tenure and academic promotion, insurance and health program planning, academic responsibilities, standards of appointment and retention, professional development, faculty workload, salary policy, and policies regarding outside activities and sabbaticals/administrative leaves.
Denotes Chair (2024-2025)
MEMBER (Term expires at special April/May Senate meeting of the year listed)
Kevin Jones (2024)
Stephanie Serriere (2024)
Deborah Spoerner (2025)
Liberal Arts
Julie Goodspeed-Chadwick (2024)
Emily Dill (2025)
Alisha Johnson (2025)
The Grievance Board shall promptly hear any grievance case brought to it by any member of the Faculty. The grievances may relate to individual rights, benefits, working conditions, appointment, tenure, promotion, reassignment, but shall not be limited to these.
Denotes Chair (2024-2025)
MEMBER (Term expires at special April/May Senate meeting of the year listed)
Kevin Jones (2024)
Chris Walcott (2025)
Gae Stoops (2025)
Liberal Arts
Anna Carmon (2025)
Emily Dill (2025)
Mark Jaime (2025)
The Nominations Committee shall solicit nominations from the Faculty for all positions of the Senate elected by the Faculty of IU Columbus. Further, this committee shall solicit nominations from the Faculty for a tenured or tenure-track faculty member to be elected as the IU Columbus representative to the IU Indianapolis Faculty Council. This committee shall also nominate faculty members to serve as chairs of standing committees for election by the Senate. Finally, this committee shall maintain records of membership of Faculty boards and committees, and establish patterns of rotation of terms.
Denotes Chair (2024-2025)
MEMBER (Term expires at special April/May Senate meeting of the year listed)
Laura Watson (2025)
Liberal Arts
Nathan Rousseau (2024)
Elizabeth daSilva (2024)
The Student Affairs Committee shall review and advise the Senate on matters having to do with the general social, cultural, and practical welfare of all students. Specific non-classroom matters of concern to this committee shall include, but not be limited to, student awards and honors, intramural athletics, counseling, scholarships, loans, conduct and discipline, health, student activities and organizations, extracurricular activities, provision of equal rights and opportunities, and any other matters which would enhance the University environment of the student for learning and living.
Denotes Chair (2024-2025)
MEMBER (Term expires at special April/May Senate meeting of the year listed)
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