Maggie Evans, M.S.
Academic Advisor
As a liberal arts student at IU Columbus, you will make a number of important decisions as you choose and register for courses and progress through your degree program. You will work closely with an advisor to ensure you meet all degree requirements and stay on track to graduate on time.
Even though you are ultimately responsible for your educational experience, successful academic advising is a collaborative process. Instead of providing you with standard, routine answers to your questions, we will give you the information, counsel, and perspective you need to make your own informed choices.
To provide you with the best counsel, advisors must have time to review your academic history, plan, and progress. Although some questions can be answered via e-mail or phone, good advising almost always occurs during a scheduled appointment. To schedule an appointment, use the Student Appointment Scheduler available through One.IU.
Did you know you must apply to graduate? If you are a student in the Division of Liberal Arts pursuing an undergraduate degree and/or minors, please complete the graduation application.
Graduating with a liberal arts minor must also be confirmed. Be sure to indicate your Liberal Arts minor when you fill out your graduation application.
Due Dates
If you will graduate in December, application due dates are:
May 1: Date for a guarantee of an official graduation audit before the start of fall classes
October 1: Last date to apply for December graduation
If you plan to graduate in May or August, application due dates are:
September 1: Date for a guarantee of an official graduation audit before the start of spring classes
January 1: Last date to apply for May graduation
March 1: Last date to apply for August graduation
Applying for graduation means your student record will be reviewed to ensure you've completed all degree requirements. Until you identify your graduation term and formally apply with the Division of Liberal Arts academic advisor, we do not know when you expect to finish all coursework. Once you apply, you will be included on lists for graduation auditing, commencement invitations, and celebration events. Work with your advisor to plan your coursework and identify which semester is realistic based on your course load and the course offerings available.
Yes! You can be an August graduate and still participate in commencement. IU Columbus holds its commencement ceremony in May. It includes students who graduated in December of the preceding year and those who are expected to graduate in May/August of the current year. Commencement is a wonderful event, and we encourage you to participate but remember participation in commencement is NOT the same thing as graduating. Graduation is a formal review process that ensures you meet all degree requirements for IU Columbus, the Division of Liberal Arts, and your major.
If you met with your advisor frequently and attended to any missing requirements outlined in your degree audit e-mail, all should be well. The best way to confirm whether you will graduate, however, is to view your unofficial transcript in your OneIU Student Center. Degrees are awarded within six weeks of the end of your final semester (Note: Summer counts as one semester, so if you finish courses during Summer Session you will not see your degree posted until September). Checking your university e-mail is CRITICAL during the review process. If there are issues with your student record, we will communicate them to you via e-mail to your university account. Verify your phone number is correct in your Student Center as we may need to contact you by phone.
Diplomas are ordered after your degree is conferred. It takes about six weeks to confer your degree, and there is an additional time period for diploma to be printed and delivered to the registrar. We estimate diplomas will arrive mid-semester of the term after you graduate. If you’re a May graduate, expect your diploma to be available sometime in August. If you’re a December graduate, expect your diploma to be available sometime in March. Watch your university e-mail account for a notice when your diploma is available for you to pick up. In the interim, you can purchase an official academic transcript from the Office of Registrar Services if you need proof of graduation for employment or to apply to a graduate program.
Maggie Evans, M.S.
Academic Advisor
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