Professional Summary
Thank you for coming to my page. My research, teaching, and service focus on both scholarly works as well as creative activity in poetry. My writing studies research is primarily theorized through a cultural studies lens.
- B.A. from Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, English Literature
- B.A. Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, Anthropology
- M.A. Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, Writing
- Ph.D. University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, Composition and Rhetoric
Professional Activities (selected)
- External P&T Reviewer. Carnegie Mellon Graduate Business Dept. 2024,2022.
- External P&T Reviewer. Univ of CA, Muir Writing Prog., San Diego. 2023.
- Policy Analyst for Higher Education National Council Teachers of English-IN
- Social Justice Action Committee at Conference for Comp & College Comm
- Association for Business Communication (ABC), member
- Association for Business Communication Chairperson Intr. Issues Committee
- Judge (invited) for the Creative Writing Program Midland Coll., Midland, TX
- Manuscript reviewer, Business and Professional Communication Quarterly
- Manuscript reviewer, Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
- Manuscript reviewer, Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology
- Judge, National Council of Teachers of English Publications
- Book Reviewer, Utah State University Press
- Judge Columbus East High School Senior Projects and Columbus Magnet School Columbus, IN
Courses Taught
- English Capstone
- Technical Communication for Mechanical Engineers
- Professional Writing
- Fiction/Advanced Fiction Writing Workshops
- Poetry/Advanced Poetry Writing Workshops
- Issues in the Teaching of Writing
- Advanced Expository Writing
- Introduction to Creative Writing
- Screenwriting
- Composition 1
- Composition 2
Administrative & Service Responsibilities
- Interim Division Head, IUPUC Division Head of Liberal Arts (2010).
- Founding Director and current Director of the Indiana University English Program at Indiana University at Columbus (2011 to current).
Awards & Activities (selected)
- Award Indiana Univ. Columbus Martin L King Building Bridges 2022
- Fellow, Indiana University Statewide Inaugural Digital Gardener 2021
- Fellow, IUPUC Teaching and Learning Gateway CoP EcO 2018
- Fulbright U.S. scholar co-facilitator for Humanities Summer Institute. Moscow State University. Moscow, RU 2013.
- Outstanding Student Club Adviser (co-winner) IUPUC 2017
- IU Trustees Faculty Teaching Award
- IUPUI Prestigious External Award Recognition (PEAR for two years)
- IU Faculty Colloquium on Excellence in Teaching (FACET)
- IUPUC Outstanding Research Faculty Award
- IUPUC Outstanding Fulltime Faculty Award
- IUPUC Outstanding Teacher Award
National Awards for Books
- NATIONAL-Honorable Mention for chapter by Sushil K. Oswal for Disability rhetoric in Wills & Rice ePortfolios. Presented by Computers and Composition Digital Press for accessibility studies in digital composition.
- NATIONAL-- Council of Teachers of English. National Award for Best Co-edited Collection in Technical and Scientific Writing for book Critical Power Tools: Technical Communication in Cultural Studies.Scott, Longo, & Wills (Eds.). NY: SUNY, 2006. Teaching-related research: “The first book to focus on the intersection of cultural studies and technical communication, Critical Power Tools draws on various traditions of cultural studies to develop theoretical, methodological, and pedagogical approaches to technical communication. This is a sourcebook for the field.”
Publications Scholarly and Creative Activity (selected)
Books, Chapbooks, and Edited Collections
- Wills, K.V. & Rice, R. (Eds.) (2013). ePortfolio Performance Support Systems: Constructing, Presenting, and Assessing Portfolios in Public Workplaces.
- Tsiopos K. (in progress). Complicit in Green. Poetry Chapbook.
- Tsiopos, K. (2013). Our Slow Migration North. Finishing Line Press and Kindle. Poetry Chapbook.
- Scott, B., B. Longo, & K. V. Wills (Eds). (2006). Critical Power Tools: Technical Communication and Cultural Studies. Albany: SUNY. Edited Collection.
- Tsiopos Wills, K.V. (2015). A Study of Technological Literacy and Privilege in Writing Programs. Omni Scriptum Saarbrucken,GER. ISBN 978-3-639-76383-6
- Bousquet, M., & K. Wills (Eds). (2004). Politics of Information: Electronic Mediation of Social Change. Alt-X/EBR Critical E-Books Series inaugural edition.
- Wills, K.V. (Ed). (1999). Reflections of Courage: Letters and Poetry to Dr. Martin Luther King from Students of IPS 44. Little Voice and Chapbooks.Com Indianapolis, IN. Edited collection.
Articles and Chapters (selected mostly peer reviewed)
- Zoeller, A. N., Towers, G., & K. Wills. (Apr 2020). “Experiencing Our Town: In the Words of Immigrant Women.” ENGAGE! Co-created Knowledge Serving the City 2:1. IUPUI Office of Engagement, IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN.
- Wills, K.V. & Fritz, R. W. (2020). “Authentic Instruction through Blogging: Increasing Student Engagement with Digital Humanities.” (Eds.) Young, C.J, Morrone, M.C., Wilson, T.C., & Wilson, E.A. Quick Hits for Teaching with Digital Humanities: Successful Strategies from Award-Winning Teachers. IU Press. Bloomington, IN.
- Auberry, K. V., Wills, K.V., & C. Shaver. (2017). “Improving medication practices for persons with intellectual and developmental disability: Educating direct support staff using simulation,debriefing, and reflections.” Journal of Intellectual Disabilities.
- Jones, K., Wills K.V., & E. Berte. (2017). A study of MBA students’ perceptions toward business leadership pedagogy.” Journal of the Academy of Business Education18 (Winter 2017). Pgs.325+
- Schleifer, R., Townsend, M.A., Tsiopos Wills, K.V., Akasakalova, O., Nemec Ignashev, D., & Vendiktova, T. (2016). Under Lomonosov’s Watchful Gaze: A Case Study of an Early Faculty Development Writing Workshop in Russia. Contrastive Linguistics, #5: 297-310. СОПОСТАВИТЕЛЬНАЯ ЛИНГВИСТИКА. ПОД СТРОГИМ ВЗГЛЯДОМ ЛОМОНОСОВА: УЧЕБНАЯ СЕССИЯ ПО РАЗВИТИЮ АКАДЕМИЧЕСКОГО ПИСЬМА В РОССИИ
- *Lovejoy, K., Fox, S., & Wills, K. (2015). “From language Experience to classroom practice: Affirming linguistic diversity in writing pedagogy.” Students’ Rights to Their Own Language. (Eds) Perryman-Clark, S., Kirkland, D.E., & A. Jackson. Bedford St. Martins: Boston. REPRINT
- Warchal, L.R., Ruiz. A.I., Lin, P. L., Drnach, M., Wills, K., & N. Marthakis. (2013) "Reflections on connections in service learning" Lin, P. L. (Ed). Fourth International Symposium on Service-Learning: Connecting the Global to the Local at Ningbo Technological University. Ningbo, China. Univ. of Indianapolis UP, Indianapolis.
- Wills, K.V. (2011). “I Just Felt Kinda Invisible”: Accommodations for Learning Disabled Students in the Composition Classroom.” Autism and Aspergerger’s Syndrome in the Classroom.” V. Gerstle and L. Walsh. Marquette UP. 35-44.
- Killian, L. & K. V. Tsiopos-Wills. (2010). “The Service-Learning Economic Benefits: A Case Study of the Alternative Spring Break (ASB) Model.”Service Learning In Higher Education: National and International Connection (Ed) P. L. Lin. U of Indianapolis P. 237-48.
- Wills, K.V. (2010) “Still Paying Attention Ten Years Later: A Bakhtinian Reading of the National Information Infrastructure Initiative Administrative Agenda. Computers and Composition Online.
- Wills, K.V., & T. Clerkin. (2009). "Using Reflective Practice in International Studies. “Business Communication Quarterly.
- Lovejoy, K., Fox, S., & K.V. Wills. (2009). “From Language Experience to Classroom Practice: Affirming Linguistic Diversity in Writing Pedagogy.” PEDAGOGY 9.2
- K. V. “Designing Students: Using Cultural Studies Approaches in Technical Writing.” Critical Power Tools: Cultural Studies Approaches in Technical Communication. Eds. Bernadette Longo, Scott Blake, and Katherine V. Wills. Albany: SUNY, 2006. 259-270.
- Cross, G., & K. V. Wills. (2005). “Bridging Disciplinary Divides in Writing across the Curriculum.” ATD 2.
- Wills, K. V. (2004). “The Lure of Easy Psychic Income in Academic Capitalism. "Tenured Bosses and Disposable Teachers: Writing Instruction in the Managed University. Eds. Marc Bousquet, Tony Scott, and Leo Parascandola. Southern Illinois UP. 201-206.
- Wills, K.V. (2004). “A Response: Mentors and Technology.” Computers and Writing: The Cyborg Era.” Ed. James Inman. London: Lawrence Erlbaum: 257.
- Wills, K. V. (2000). “Three Delicacies.” Comp Tales: the Composition Frontline. (Eds. Rich Haswell and Min Zhan Lu). New York: Addison, Wesley, & Longman: 97-98.
- Marti, J., Wills, K. V., Ghetti, B., & S. A. Bayer. (2000). “The Weaver Gene Continues to Target Late-generated Dopaminergic Neurons in Midbrain Areas at P90.” Developmental Brain Research 122: 173-181
- Broome, J. D., Wills, K. V., Lapchack, P. A., Ghetti, B., Camp, L.L., & S. A. Bayer. (1999). “Glial- cell line derived Neurotrophic Factor Protects Midbrain Dopamine Neurons from the Lethal Action of the Weave Gene: A Qualitative Immunocytochemical Study.” Brain Research.
- Bayer, S. A., Wills, K., (1996). Wei, J., Feng, Y., Dlouly, T., Hodes, M.E., Verina, T., & B. Ghetti. “Phenotypic effects of the weaver gene are evident in the embryonic cerebellum but not in the ventral midbrain.” Developmental Brain Research 96, 130-37.
- Bayer, S. A., Wills, K., Triarhou, L. C., Thomas, J.D., & B. Ghetti. (1995). “Selective Vulnerability of Late-Generated Dopaminergic Neurons of the Substantia Nigra in Weave Mutant Mice.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 92: 9137-9140.
- Bayer, S. A., Wills, K.V., Triarhou, L. C., & B., Ghetti. (1995). “Time of Neuron Origin and Gradients of Neurogenesis in Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons of the Mouse.” in Weave Mutant Mice.” Experimental Brain Research 105 London: 191-199.
- Bayer, S. A., Wills K.V., Triarhou, L.C., Thomas, J.D., & B. Ghetti. 1995). “Systemic Differences in Times of Normal Mice and Homozygous Weaver.” Experimental Brain Research 105 London.
ERIC Teaching Publications (peer-reviewed)
- Wills, K. V. “Hip Hop WAC: Students Redefine ‘Writing in a Junior High School Technology Camp.” WAC 2002. Houston, TX. Mar. 09, 2002. Invited ERIC Document. CS 510893.
- Wills, K. V. "Mean E-Streets: The Violence of the Virtual." Conference on College Composition and Communication. Chicago, IL. 2002. Mar. 22, 2002. Invited ERIC Document. CS 510892.
- Cross, Geoffrey, & V. Wills. "Using Bloom to Bridging the WAC/WID Divide." WAC National Conference. Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. May 2, 2001. Invited ERIC Document. CS 510890.
- Wills, K. V. "From Classroom to the Cubicle: Reading the Rhetoric of Emerging Corporate Universities." International Reading Association. New Orleans, LA. May 4, 2001. Invited ERIC Document. CS 510889.
- Wills, K. V. Assessing Sex: Who Benefits from Gendered Writing and Visual Rhetoric in the Computer-Mediated Classroom? Conference on College Composition and Communication. Denver, CO. Mar. 16, 2001. Invited ERIC Document. CS 510891
Poetry (selected)
- Tsiopos K.V. (2023). “The Mouse Colony.” Journal of Animal Studies.
- Tsiopos, K.V. (2023). “Clearcut”Flying Island. Indianapolis, IN.
- Tsiopos, K.V. (2023). “Saffron Gatherers.” Flying Island. Indianapolis, IN.
- Tsiopos, K.V. (2021). “Gaze” & “Occupy.” Engage! Environmental Justice.3/1. IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN.
- Tsiopos, K.V. (2020). Inverse Archive. Two poems. Indiana Historical Society. Indianapolis, IN.
- Tsiopos, K., & Collective. (4/2016). “BeeLines” ArtsGarden Indianapolis, IN.
- Tsiopos Wills, K. (2015). “Rituals” Poem. The Art of Infertility Travelling Project.
- Tsiopos Wills, K. (2015). “St Louis Jazz” Poem. Indiana Humanities Council Poetry Monthly
- Tsiopos, K. “Indiana SCUBA.” And Know this Place. Ed. J. Kander. Indiana Historical Society Indianapolis, IN. (2012).
- Tsiopos, K. “Blessing of the Bikes: Bean Blossom Boogie.” And Know this Place. Ed. J. Kander. Indiana Historical Society Indianapolis, IN (2012)
- Tsiopos, K. “Blessing of the Bikes.” ABATE. (Aug 2009). 9.
- Tsiopos Wills, K. “Counter Girl.” ART/LIFE 16:4 (1996).
- Tsiopos Wills, K. "A Wall, a Ditch" Flying Island 2:2, Indianapolis, IN (May, 1994).
- Tsiopos, Wills K. "Je suis une chaise." ART/ LIFE. 10:8, Ventura, CA (Oct.1993).
- Tsiopos, K. "Sister." River Styx #5 Limited Edition, St. Louis, MO (May 1979).
- Tsiopos, K. "Exploratory Surgery." Y-Bird: 1, #2, Berkeley, CA (Spring 1979). 128.
Digital, Media, Public Recognition
- 2022Podcast Interviewed on Mentoring Brittany King by Eric White San Diego, CA.
- NPR Interview by Katrina Schwartz, San Francisco Education Section Mindshift KQED.“Teaching Strategies" Could Rubric-Based Grading Be the Assessment of the Future?”
- 2021 Poetry
- 2020Teaching: X204 Project
- 2017Wabash Poetry
- 2016Beeline Collective Poetry. Artsgarden. Indianapolis, IN.
Professional Ranking & Social Organizations
- Humanities Commons
- Research Gate
- Semantic Scholar
- LinkedIn
- Twitter
- Facebook
- Instagram
Available upon request: artistic readings, conference presentations, ERIC docs, grants, interviews of me and by me, patents, proceedings, references, reviews, seminar papers, other scholarly work, student-related projects, and freelance pieces.