Named for a late governor of Indiana, Frank O’Bannon Grants are awarded to Indiana residents who show that they need money for their education. The grant can be used to pay for tuition and fees while you study toward your first bachelor’s degree at IU Columbus.
A 21st Century Scholarship Award can help pay for your first undergraduate degree at IU Columbus. If you qualify, you can use this funding to pay for tuition and mandatory fees (activity, technology, and repair and rehab fees).
If you meet income criteria, you can enroll in the program during seventh or eighth grade. The program will help you prepare and pay for college.
If you’re the child of a deceased or disabled Indiana veteran or the spouse or child of a public safety officer killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty, you may qualify for one of these grants. Be sure to submit your completed, corrected FAFSA at least five to seven business days before you apply for either of these grants.
The Adult Student Grant is Indiana's need-based financial aid program for adult students who attend full- or part-time. A separate application with the state is required each year to be considered for this award. There is no due date, but funds will be available on a first-come, first-served basis starting July 1. Be sure to submit your completed, corrected FAFSA at least five to seven business days before you apply.
The National Guard Supplemental Grant guarantees up to 100% of tuition and regularly assessed fees for eligible members of the Indiana Air and Army National Guard. Eligibility requires certification by both CHE and the Indiana National Guard each semester. This award is not available during the summer.
The Minority Teacher Scholarship was created in 1988 by the Indiana General Assembly to address the critical shortage of Black and Hispanic teachers in Indiana. Scholarship recipients must reapply each year and funding is not guaranteed to renew each year. Be sure to submit your completed, corrected FAFSA at least five to seven business days before you apply.