Board of Advisors Guidelines


  • Provide counsel to the Vice Chancellor and Dean of IU Columbus and to be advised by him on matters of priority relating to the growth and success of IU Columbus
  • Assist the campus in defining strategic and long-range planning and program priorities, relating its goals and priorities to community needs, specifically to business and industry
  • Strengthen relationships between IU Columbus and other area educational institutions
  • Establish mechanisms for providing feedback to IU Columbus administrators
  • Recommend educational, research, and public service activities appropriate to the role of IU Columbus
  • Assist in the long-term evaluation of campus programs and their relationships to the constituencies served by IU Columbus
  • Review and advise on issues important to IU Columbus prior to their submission to the Indiana University Board of Trustees or to the Commission for Higher Education
  • Serve as members of Board of Advisors committees on appointment by the Board Chairman and as members of IU Columbus campus committees on appointment by the Vice Chancellor and Dean


The Board of Advisors includes up to 40 voting members. Members are appointed by the vice chancellor and dean, serve three year terms, and may be reappointed. Non-voting emeritus status is designated for members who choose to continue their participation on the board on a less regular basis. These individuals may serve in an ex officio capacity:

  • Mayor of the City of Columbus
  • President of the Columbus Learning Center Management Corporation
  • President of the Columbus Area Chamber of Commerce
  • Executive Director of the Columbus Area Visitor's Center
  • President of the Economic Development Board
  • Superintendent of Bartholomew Consolidated School Corporation
  • President of the Alumni Association Board
  • President of the IU Columbus Faculty Senate
  • President of the IU Columbus Staff Council
  • President of the IU Columbus Student Government & Activities Board

It is comprised of individuals who have achieved a record of distinguished involvement in their communities. In turn, BoA members consider their service an honor and a privilege, bringing with it certain responsibilities of loyalty, public representation, and consideration of financial support. Board members should demonstrate strong commitment to IU Columbus.

University administrators, including the vice chancellor and dean, director of communications and marketing, and director of development and external affairs, may also serve as non-voting members. Other university administrators and faculty may be invited to attend board meetings as appropriate. The board may appoint other non-voting members representing the student body, faculty, or staff, if  deemed advisable.

The board shall elect a chair and a vice chair to two-year terms. The vice chair will rotate into the position of chair when the term expires. The vice chair shall nominate his or her replacement at the appropriate time. Officers may be re-elected.


Meetings are held on a date and location of the board's choosing. Meetings may include a meal. Typically, meetings are held quarterly on the IU Columbus campus.


The primary responsibility of the Board of Advisors is to advise the vice chancellor and dean, and be advised by the vice chancellor and dean, on issues related to higher education in IU Columbus's service region. Board membership is for three-year terms; members may succeed themselves.

By accepting a board appointment, members agree to fulfill these expectations and commitments:

  1. Attend and participate at least 75 percent of all regularly scheduled meetings. Meetings are held quarterly and other activities are held as approved by the board membership.
  2. Become familiar with the academic programs offered by IU Columbus.
  3. Serve as an advocate in the community for IU Columbus. This may involve talking with prospective students, meeting with alumni and community leaders, and/or attending or helping host campus-related events.
  4. Assist in the identification of area business, industry, and community educational needs.
  5. Assist in developing strategic and long-range planning and program priorities, vision and mission statements, and goals and objectives consistent with university and community needs.
  6. Assist the campus, as necessary, in the areas of recruitment, job placement, key opportunities, and financial support.
  7. Consider contributing financially to IU Columbus at a level commensurate with individual ability and assisting with corporate gifts, as appropriate.
  8. Suggest individuals to replace members at the end of each expired term.

Meeting Dates

The Board of Advisors (BOA) meet quarterly on the second Wednesday of the month on the IU Columbus campus.