Board of Advisors

Board Mission

Welcome to the home page of the Indiana University Columbus Board of Advisors. The Board consists of 25 community members from commerce and industry, local government and education, the not-for-profit sector, economic development, and health-care, who meet on a regular quarterly basis to promote the mission of IU Columbus. The mission is to be the first choice for those who seek a small campus experience in south central Indiana emphasizing intellectual and personal development, community engagement, and preparation to enter the global workforce. 

Additionally, we are an advisory committee to the vice chancellor and dean regarding issues of importance or concern to the campus, community and to south central Indiana.

We support the four overarching strategic goals for IU Columbus which are:

  • Delivering the right academic programs at the right times
  • Sustaining academic and scholastic achievement
  • Creating a welcoming campus focused on the reasons why students, faculty, and staff choose IU Columbus
  • Serving community and regional cultural, intellectual and economic development

The degree programs offered at IU Columbus, in close affiliation with IU Indianapolis, allows us to offer you access to a broad range of undergraduate degree programs—biology, business, communication studies, criminal justice, education, English, general studies, nursing, psychology and sociology. You can also continue your studies toward a graduate degree in our Master of Business Administration (MBA), and Master of Arts in Mental Health Counseling (MA) programs.

We believe that a vibrant Indiana University campus is important not only to Columbus and Bartholomew County, but surrounding communities as well.

Meeting Dates

The Board of Advisors (BOA) meet quarterly on the second Wednesday of the month on the IU Columbus campus.