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Health, Science and Nursing

Health, science, and nursing

Please explore these databases for full-text articles and other information about subjects related to health science and nursing.

  • CINAHL Complete (EBSCO): This database is the authoritative resource for nursing and allied health professionals, students, educators and researchers. This version automatically maps keywords to official subject headings. It also offers basic keyword searching, citation searching, and index term browsing.
  • ClinicalKey: An online search tool that provides physicians with smarter, faster clinical decisions.
  • Cochrane Library: High-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making.  It includes evidence from Cochrane and other systematic reviews, clinical trials, and more.  
  • EMBASE: European-based biomedical and pharmocological articles and conference proceedings.
  • Health and Psychosocial Instruments (EBSCO): The HAPI database provides information about behavioral measurement instruments (e.g., questionnaires, interview schedules, checklists, index measures, coding schemes/manuals, rating scales, projective techniques, vignettes/scenarios, tests) in the health fields, psychosocial sciences, and organizational behavior. 
  • Health Business FullTEXT (EBSCO): Explore the business of health care administration and other non-clinical aspects of health care institution management with Health Business FullTEXT.
  • Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition (EBSCO): This resource provides more than 580 scholarly full text journals focusing on many medical disciplines with particularly strong coverage of nursing and allied health.
  • HealthSTAR (OVID): This database is comprised of data from the National Library of Medicine's (NLM) MEDLINE and former HealthSTAR databases. As such, it contains citations to the published literature on health services, technology, administration, and research. It focuses on both the clinical and non-clinical aspects of health care delivery. 
  • Joanna Briggs EBP: Provides access to resources for finding and using evidence to inform clinical decision-making.  
  • MEDLINE (EBSCO): Research authoritative medical information from such fields as medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more with MEDLINE.
  • MEDLINE (OVID): Ovid MEDLINE® covers the international literature on biomedicine, including the allied health fields and the biological and physical sciences, humanities, and information science as they relate to medicine and health care. Information is indexed from approximately 5,600 journals published world-wide. Records start in the early 1800's and go all the way to our daily updates.  Ovid MEDLINE® is produced by the National Library of Medicine.
  • Nursing and Allied Health Source (Proquest): This resource contains the full-text of 700+ periodicals, 12,000+ dissertations, cultural reports (covering over 30 ethnicities and 11 religions) from CultureVision, downloadable training video clips from Medcom, Inc., and evidence-based nursing content from the Joanna Briggs Institute.
  • PsycARTICLES (EBSCO): This is a database of full-text articles from journals published by the American Psychological Association, the APA Educational Publishing Foundation, the Canadian Psychological Association, and Hogrefe & Huber. 
  • PsycINFO (EBSCO): This database provides access to international literature in psychology and related disciplines. Unrivaled in its depth of psychological coverage and respected worldwide for its high quality, the database is enriched with literature from an array of disciplines related to psychology such as psychiatry, education, business, medicine, nursing, pharmacology, law, linguistics, and social work. 
  • PubMed: Index to articles covering all aspects of medicine.  Developed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI).
  • TRIP: Clinical search engine designed to allow users to quickly and easily find and use high-quality research evidence to support their practice and/or care.  Also contains other content types including images, videos, patient information leaflets, educational courses and news.
  • UpToDate: UpToDate is a clinical decision support system that helps clinicians throughout the world provide the best patient care.  We use current evidence to answer clinical questions quickly and easily at the point of care.

Library Hours

Spring Hours

Monday – Thursday: 8:30 a.m. –7:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday - Sunday: CLOSED


  • Monday, Jan. 20: CLOSED