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Computer Use

In establishing and reviewing our computer policies, the University Library of Columbus follows Indiana University's Appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources Policy. We are also guided by two other policies specific to libraries and their unique role in the information environment:

Time Limits

The library reserves the right to impose time limits on computer use, moderate use of computers with special software or database access, and give preference to IU Columbus, Purdue Polytechnic Institute and Ivy Tech students, faculty, and staff.


Members of the public are entitled to use computers in the library as long as they have a valid University Library of Columbus guest ID and abide by all computing and network policies of the University Library of Columbus and Indiana University. Users should be considerate of the needs of others. Viewing some kinds of materials may be offensive in a public setting.

The computers and other equipment in the University Library of Columbus Information Commons are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Unoccupied work stations will be viewed as available, and will be made available to others who need them.

Individuals working at the multimedia stations may be asked to move to another location, if they are not using the special features of the multimedia workstations and others are in need of them.

The computers in the LC Room 1614 computer lab may be available for public use, except when the room has been reserved for a class, training or maintenance session, or as posted.

Guest Computer Use Policy

Restrictions on Use

Most license agreements between the University Library of Columbus and its database vendors specify that the library must restrict use of licensed products to any patron in the library or any patron who can prove affiliation with IU Columbus or Ivy Tech (usually by possession of a valid ID and password).

Since most patrons using a University Library of Columbus guest ID are not affiliated with either institution, use of guest IDs is limited to within the library. Patrons attempting to use a guest ID anywhere else will be logged out.


University Library of Columbus guest IDs will be issued to requesting patrons with borrower’s cards in good standing who are at least 16 years of age. For information on obtaining a borrower’s card, please review our circulation policies.

The University Library of Columbus reserves the right to refuse to issue a guest ID to any patron and to revoke any guest ID, if the owner fails to abide by all computing and network policies of the library and Indiana University. It is the responsibility of the guest ID owner to secure the confidentiality of the guest ID and password. Do not share your guest ID and password with anyone. All lost or stolen guest ID credentials should be reported immediately to the library circulation desk at 812.375.7510.

Library Hours

Spring Hours

Monday – Thursday: 8:30 a.m. –7:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday - Sunday: CLOSED


  • Monday, Jan. 20: CLOSED