Columbus, Indiana 47203

Columbus, Indiana 47203
Professional Summary
Originally trained as a neurophysiologist, I currently use biochemistry, molecular biology, and proteomics to investigate the molecular nature of visual transduction and adaptation as they relate to the broader area of signal transduction.
- B.A. in Biology from Indiana University
- Ph.D. in Neurobiology from Purdue University
- Postdoctoral Fellowship at Yale University School of Medicine
Professional Activities
- Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
- Association of College and University Biology Educators
- Cumberland Biological Transport Group
- National Science Teachers Association
Courses Taught
- BIOL N100 Contemporary Biology
- BIOL N212 Human Biology 1
- BIOL N213 Human Biology Lab 1
- BIOL N214 Human Biology 2
- BIOL N215 Human Biology Lab 2
- BIOL N217 Human Physiology
- BIOL N261 Human Anatomy
- BIOL K101 Introduction to Biology I
- BIOL K103 Introduction to Biology II
- BIOL K295 Independent Study
- BIOL K324 Cell Biology
- BIOL K325 Cell Biology Laboratory
- BIOL K483 Biochemistry
- BIOL K493 Independent Research
- BIOL K494 Senior Research Thesis
- BIOL 556 Physiology I
- BIOL 698 Research M.S. Thesis
Administrative & Service Responsibilities
I chair the IU Columbus Animal Use & Care Committee. I am also a member of the IU Columbus Grievance Committee and several divisional search and screen committees. I have served on the IUPUI Sabbatical Leave Committee for the last two years. I served for several years as a member of the IUPUI Faculty Council Technology Committee. I serve on the Board of Directors and am the webmaster for the Cumberland Biological Transport Group. I am Editor Emeritus of the Journal of College Biology Teaching, the official publishing organ for the Association of College and University Biology Educators.
Research Activities
I am currently interested in the functional significance of subunit stoichiometry and heterogeneity of a GTP-binding protein named Transducin, a cornerstone of the cyclic nucleotide cascade that underlies our ability to see. I am trying to determine how differences in Transducin stoichiometry affect its function. I am also examining the effect of different post-translational modifications of the beta subunit of Transducin on its function, including its interactions with other subunits, proteins and the photoreceptor disc membrane. I am also collaborating with other investigators in the analysis of proteins as biomarkers for cellular and tissue injury precipitated by environmental stressors.
Awards & Activities
- 2018: Meeting Organizer, 53rd Annual Meeting of the Cumberland Biological Transport Group, Jamestown, KY.
- 2015: Recipient of the Meritorious Service Award, Association of College and University Biology Educators.
- 2013: National Meeting Organizer, 57th Annual Meeting of the Association of College and University Biology Educators, Indianapolis.
- 2009: Recipient of Outstanding Faculty Service Award, Indiana University–Purdue University Columbus.
- 2006: Recipient of Meritorious Achievement Award, Cumberland Biological Transport Group, American Physiology Association Affiliate.
- 2004: Recipient of Indiana University Trustees Teaching Award, Indiana University–Purdue University Columbus.
- 1982: Recipient of NIH posdoctoral traineeship, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT.
- 1980: Recipient of NIH predoctoral traineeship, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
- 1977: Recipient of David Ross Fellowship, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
- Mendez, J.D., Johnson, H., McQueen, J., & Clack, J.W. 2015. Optimizing the Extraction of Chitin from Underutilized Source, Journal of Chitin and Chitosan Science, 3(1), 77-80.
- Xianyin, L., Blazer-Yost, B.L., Clack. J.W., Fears, S.L., Mitra, S., Ntim, S.A., Ringham, H.A., & Witzmann, F.A. 2013. Protein Expression Profiles of Intestinal Epithelial Co-cultures: Effect of Functionalized Carbon Nanotube Exposure. International Journal of Biomedical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 3(1/2), 127-162.
- Clack, J.W. 2012. Teaching and Coaching. Bioscene: Journal of College Biology Teaching, 37(2), 48-49.
- Clack, J.W. 2012. Is Online Instruction Really Ready for Prime Time? Bioscene: Journal of College Biology Teaching, 38(1), 28-29.
- Clack, J.W. 2011. Beware the Service Creep, My Colleagues! The Jaws That Bite, the Claws That Catch! Bioscene: Journal of College Biology Teaching, 37(2), 37-38.
- Clack, J.W. 2011. Studying and Grades: When Less is More and More is Less. Bioscene: Journal of College Biology Teaching, 37(1), 29-30.
- Clack, J.W., 2008. Affinity of Transducin for Photoactivated Rhodopsin: Dependence on Nucleotide Binding State. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Reports, 40, 548-553..
- Clack, J.W., Springmeyer, M., Clark, C., & Witzmann, F.A. 2006. Analysis of Transducin Subunit Stoichiometry and Cellular Distribution. Cell Biology International, 30, 829-35.
- Clack, J.W., Juhl, M., Rice, C.A., Li, J., & Witzmann, F.A. 2003. Proteomic Analysis of Transducin Beta Subunit Structural Heterogeneity. Electrophoresis, 24, 3493-3499.
- Witzmann, F.A., Clack, J.W., Geiss, K., Hussain, S., Juhl, M.J., Rice, C.M., & Wang, C. 2002. Proteomic Evaluation of Cell Preparation Methods in Primary Hepatocyte Cell Culture. Electrophoresis, 23, 2223-2232.
- Clack, J.W. 2000. Computer Enhancement Of Undergraduate Biology Laboratories: Activities and Findings. Technical Report, National Science Foundation Project Database.
Civic Engagement
I have served as a judge judging Chair for many science fairs, from local elementary schools to the Indiana State Science Fair to the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF). I have been a judging chair of both the State and International Science Fairs for the last several years. I have given multiple talks at local K-12 schools. I have been an invited lecturer on topics such as evolution and neuroscience in local high schools.
Additional Content
Grants Received
- “Funding for the 57th Annual ACUBE National Biology Educators Conference,” Various External and Internal Agencies, Total funds, $5,350.
- Analysis of Transducin Beta Subunit Heterogeneity,” Fight-For-Sight Research Division of Prevent Blindness America. Total funds, $11,970.
- “Computer Enhancement of Undergraduate Biology Laboratory Experience,” National Science Foundation Program 7428, CCLI-Adaptation and Implementation. Total funds, $39,990.
- “Integration of Molecular Biology Techniques into General Introductory Biology,” Columbus Teachers Network. Total funds, $1,200.
- "Synthesis and Purification of 2'-O-(4-benzoyl)benzoylguanosine 3',5' cyclic monophosphate and 2'-O-(4-benzoyl)benzoyladenosine 3',5' cyclic monophosphate For Use as Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors and Anti-Glaucoma Agents," Indiana Lions Alliance. Total funds, $20,689.
- "Studies of Photoreceptor Calcium Binding Proteins and Anti Glaucoma Agents," IUPUI Office of Faculty Development. Total funds, $5,830.
- "Studies of Opsin cGMP-gated single channel activity," NIH Grant EY 07523-01A. Total funds, $468,451.
- "Anti-glaucoma activity of phosphodiesterase inhibitors," Connecticut Seed Ventures. Total funds, $224,800.