Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Required Courses for a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

Two courses in English composition of at least 3 credits each and 3 credits of speech are required. You may choose either ENG-W 270 or ENG-W 231. A grade of C (2.0) or better must be obtained in both composition courses (a C- does not count).

  • ENG-W 131 Reading, Writing, & Inquiry I
  • ENG-W 270 Argumentative Writing*
  • ENG-W 231 Professional Writing Skills*
  • COMM-R 110 Fundamentals of Speech Comm.

First year proficiency in a foreign language is required. This requirement may be met by one of the options below:

  • Completing a first year sequence (8-10 credit hours) in a single language with a passing grade
  • Completing a second-year or third-year course with a grade of C or higher
  • Taking a placement test and placing into the 200 level or higher. American Sign Language (ASL) may be taken to meet this requirement.

One course in Arts & Humanities is required. One additional course can be taken from the Arts and Humanities List or the Social Science list. Choose one course from each list or two from the Arts/Humanities List. *Additional course selections on the IUPUC/IUPUI website.

Arts and humanities

  • Art History (HER)
  • H100 Art Appreciation
  • E101 Beginning Drawing
  • English (ENG)
  • L202 Literary Interpretation L207 Woman and Literature
  • Music (MUS)
  • E241 Intro to Music Fundamentals Z201 History of Rock and Roll
  • Philosophy (PHIL)
  • P110 Introduction to Philosophy P120 Personal and Social Ethics
  • Religious Studies (REL)
  • R133 Introduction to Religion R173 American Religion
  • R180 Introduction to Christianity R212 Comparative Religions

Social science 

  • Business (BUS) - X100 Bus Administration: Intro
  • Communication Studies (COMM) C180 Interpersonal Communication
  • Criminal Justice (CJUS)
  • P100 Intro to Criminal Justice
  • Economics (ECON)
  • E201 Introduction to Microeconomics E202 Introduction to Macroeconomics
  • History (HIST)
  • H105 American History I
  • H106 American History II
  • H108 World History I
  • H109 World History II
  • Sociology (SOC)
  • R100 Introduction to Sociology

A minimum of 4 content courses totaling a minimum of 12 credit hours. One of the courses must include a lab, or a lab must be completed in addition to the 4 courses. Please see course overlap list for certain BIOL and CHEM courses. Students must obtain grades of C- or higher in Area IV courses; a grade of D+ or D will be allowed for one course only. These courses cannot be used to fulfill this requirement for the degree: BIOL N100, N200, CHEM C100, GEOL G130, PHYS 10000, 20000; all agriculture courses.

  • Astronomy courses
  • Biology courses
  • Chemistry courses
  • Geology courses
  • Physics courses

One course of at least 3 credit hours in mathematics is required for the Bachelor of Arts Degree. One of MATH 110 or 111 may be counted towards the general electives. One course in computer science is required. You must obtain a grade of C- or higher; a grade of D+ or D will be allowed for one course only.

  • CSCI-N 207 Data Analysis Using Spreadsheets

Choose one course from the list below:

  • Math (BA): Choose one course from: MATH M118, M119, 153, 154, 159, or 165. MATH 153, 154, and 159 may be used only for the Bachelor of Arts.

The psychology major requires 41 credit hours of selected course work. Students may wish to consult with faculty or an advisor to select courses appropriate to their future career plans. No grade lower than a "C-" will be accepted in any course used to fulfill the major requirements. *PSY B 110 (Social Science) and PSY B 203 (Cultural Understanding) satisfy general education requirements.

Introductory Psychology (All Required)

  • PSY B103 Orientation to Major in Psychology
  • PSY B110 Introduction to Psychology
  • PSY B203 Ethics and Diversity in Psychology
  • PSY B303 Career Planning for Psychology

Statistics/Research Methods (All Required)

  • PSY B305 Statistics (P: MATH 118, 119 or 153)
  • PSY B306 Statistics Lab (C: PSY-B 305)
  • PSY B 311 Research Methods (P: PSY-B305 +306)
  • PSY B 312 Research Methods Lab (C:PSY-B 311)

Foundations Courses (All Required)

  • PSY B310 Lifespan Development
  • PSY B 320 Behavioral Neuroscience
  • PSY B 340 Cognition
  • PSY B 370 Social Psychology

Content Courses: Select 3 courses from the following


  • PSY B307 Tests and Measurement
  • PSY B334 Perception
  • PSY B344 Learning
  • PSY B346 Theories of Personality
  • PSY B356 Motivation
  • PSY B358 Intro to I/O Psychology
  • PSY B360 Child and Adolescent Psychology
  • PSY B375 Psychology and Law
  • PSY B380 Abnormal Psychology
  • PSY B386 Intro to Counseling
  • PSY B394 Drugs and Behavior
  • PSY B396 Alcoholism and Drug Abuse

Capstone (P: PSY-B 311 and 312) Choose one

  • PSY B 425 (Personality), PSY B 471 (Social) or PSY B 497 (Individual)

Overall Credits and General Electives:

Degree is comprised of approximately 84 required credits from the above categories and approximately 36 elective credit hours to complete a minimum of 120 total hours for graduation. No more than 6 credit hours of clinical, athletic, or performing arts course work will count towards the credit total. Students must complete 32 300-level credits or higher as an IUPUC student. Students must graduate with a 2.0 G.P.A or higher.

The following courses do not count for any credit towards any degree program in the Division of Science: CSCI-N 100-level courses, UCOL-U 112, MATH 001, MATH 130, MATH 132 or any remedial credit. Credit is not given for overlapping courses. Common overlaps are MATH-M 119 and MATH 165; BIOL-N 217/261 and BIOL-N 212/213/214/215; CHEM-C 101 and CHEM-C 105; BIOL-K 101 and BIOL-N 100; STAT 301 and PSY-B 305. Check with the Division of Science for a complete list.

Academic advising

As a psychology student at IU Columbus, you'll work closely with your academic advisor to select and register for classes that apply toward your degree program. Your advisor will help you monitor your progress to ensure you are on the right track to graduate on time.

Learn more about academic advising