4601 Central Avenue
Columbus, IN 47203-1769
Stephanie Serriere (Ph.D. Indiana University, 2007) is a Professor of Education in the Division of Education at IUPUC. Dr. Serriere is a former elementary classroom teacher who has taught in Italy, India, and in the U.S. Her interdisciplinary research interests are in the field of social studies education with a focus on youth civic engagement, investigating the ways in which youth, in and out of schools, are working to solve social, environmental, and economic challenges, engaging within civic and political arenas. Her current research, funded by Indiana University’s Office of the Vice President of Research and the Office of Diversity Equity, Inclusion, and Multicultural Affairs’ Racial Justice Funds, investigates community and school factors as “civic access points” that support youth activists working for racial justice.
In addition to publishing in leading journals such American Educational Research Journal, Democracy & Education, Theory and Research in Social Education, Serriere serves as a national consultant for PBS kids’ programming for social studies content. Serriere leads workshops for youth and teachers in the Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR) process. Locally, she serves as the co-advisor to Bloomington High School South’s Community Leadership Building, a student club that works to promote equity and inclusion in their school. It is her goal to engage with policy and practice so that civic education remains at the heart of the US public school systems, K-16, with a commitment to justice-oriented citizenship.
One key accomplishment of her research to date centers around a longitudinal case study of a “democratic” public elementary school in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. With research partner, Professor Dana Mitra (Penn State, Educational Theory and Policy), Serriere investigated the experiences and promotion of civic engagement in classrooms, the school, and the community at “Dewey Elementary.” The book she co-wrote with Mitra compiles this research, “Civic Education in the Elementary Years: Promoting Student Engagement in an Era of Accountability” (2015, Teachers College Press). The book is used as a course text across the nation and according to a review in the Journal of Education (2017), "Mitra and Serriere provide theory, research, and sensible advice for practitioners regarding the importance of civic education in elementary schools. Grounded in concrete examples from a school that has internalized this commitment, they illuminate the diverse manifestations civic learning may take in schools" (p. 117). With over 70 peer-reviewed publications and presentations, her research shows the conditions for fostering civic efficacy and engagement with a mutually supportive school and community environment.
At IU Columbus (formerly IUPUC), Serriere teaches courses on social studies education, multicultural and global education, and literacy education with a focus on justice-oriented citizenship and anti-oppressive approaches. In addition to having taught IU’s Fulbright Seminar for international teachers, Serriere regularly teaches for IU’s Political and Civic Engagement program, a course called Leaders and Leadership, bringing her interest in youth leadership. In 2019, Dr. Serriere served as a keynote speaker at the New Hampshire Institute for Civics. She also served as an IU MOSAIC faculty fellow in support of engaged teaching practices. In 2020, her commitment to excellent teaching was recognized as she was the recipient of an IU Trustees Teaching award.
With Indiana University’s Center on Representative Government (CORG), Stephanie is a 2021 recipient of an Indiana Humanities A More Perfect Union Grant to support teachers in promoting youth’s knowledge of first amendment rights and principles for youth voice and action.
Ph.D. Curriculum & Instruction, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
B.A. Elementary Education, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
State of Indiana Elementary Teacher Certification (2000)
EDUC-E 325 Social Studies for the Elementary School
EDUC-M 300 Teaching in a Pluralistic Society
EDUC-H 340 Education and American Culture
EDUC-E 449 Trade Books for Teachers
Books (research, refereed):
Mitra, D. & Serriere, S. (2015). Civic education in the elementary years: Promoting student engagement in an era of accountability. New York: Teachers College Press. https://www.tcpress.com/civic-education-in-the-elementary-grades-9780807756348
Refereed research articles:
Serriere, S. C. (2017). The slow work of democracy: Resisting reductionist views of women and children. Democracy and Education, 25 (2), 9. https://democracyeducationjournal.org/home/vol25/iss2/9
Mayes, E., Mitra, D. L., & Serriere, S. C. (2016). Figured Worlds of Citizenship Examining Differences Made in “Making a Difference” in an Elementary School Classroom. American Educational Research Journal, 53(3), 605-638. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.3102/0002831216648378
Mitra, D., Bergmark, U., Brezicha, K., Kostenius, C., Maithreyi, R., Serriere, S. (2016). Ironies of democracy: Civic values and the construction of citizens in Sweden, India, and the United States. Citizenship Teaching and Learning. http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/intellect/ctl/2016/00000011/00000002/art00006
Kawai, R., Serriere, S., & Mitra, D. (2014). Contested spaces of a “failing” elementary school. Theory & Research in Social Education, 42(4), 486-515. DOI:10.1080/00933104.2014.966876 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00933104.2014.966876
Mitra, D., Serriere, S., & Kirshner, B. (2014). Youth Participation in U.S. Contexts: Student voice without a national mandate. Children and Society, 28(4), 292-304. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/chso.12005
Serriere, S. (2014). The role of the elementary teacher in fostering civic efficacy. The Social Studies, 105(1), 45-56. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00377996.2013.806291
Powell, K., & Serriere, S. (2013). Image-based participatory pedagogies: Reimagining social justice. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 14(15). http://www.ijea.org/v14n15/
Mitra, D., Serriere, S., & Stoicovy, D. (2012). The role of leaders in enabling civic engagement in schools. Management in Education, 26(3), 104-112. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0892020612445678
Mitra, D., & Serriere, S. (2012). Student voice in elementary-school reform: Extending youth development to elementary students. American Educational Research Journal, 49(4) 743-774 .http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.3102/0002831212443079?journalCode=aera
Serriere, S.C., Mitra, D., & Reed, K. (2011). Student voice in the elementary years: Fostering youth- adult partnerships in elementary service-learning. Theory & Research in Social Education, 39(4), 541-575. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00933104.2011.10473466?journalCode=utrs20
Boyle-Baise, L., Hsu, M.; Johnson, S.; Serriere, S.C.; Stewart, D (2011). Trying to revalue elementary social studies: Dilemmas and insights. Social Studies Research and Practice, 6(2), 135-150. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/SSRP-02-2011-B0004/full/html
Franklin, S. & Serriere, S. (2010). Contemporary issues of elementary social studies. Pennsylvania Council for the Social Studies Journal 36, 7-21. https://pcssonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Final-Spring-2010-Social-Studies-Journal-Final-Copy-with-all-edits.pdf
Serriere, S. (2010). Carpettime democracy: Digital photography and social consciousness in the early childhood classroom. The Social Studies, 102(1), 60-68. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00377990903285481
Serriere, S. & Mason, T. (2008). Macedonian and U.S. students in a pre-service teaching cultural exchange: Examining the formation of perspective consciousness. International Journal of Social Education, 23(1), 76-98. https://eric.ed.gov/?q=mason&ff1=souInternational+Journal+of+Social+Education&id=EJ944025
Boyle-Baise, L., Hsu, M.; Johnson, S.; Serriere, S.C.; Stewart, D. (2008). Putting reading first: Teaching social studies in the elementary classroom. Theory & Research in Social Education, 36(3), 233-255 .
Serriere, S.C. (2008). The making of “masculinity:” The impact of symbolic and physical violence on students, pre-K and beyond. Democracy & Education, 18(1), 21-27.
Refereed book chapters (research):
Serriere, S. (forthcoming). Teaching and learning social studies in early childhood education. Handbook of Early Childhood Care and Education. In M.B. McMullen, C. Brown, and N. File (Eds.). Wiley Blackwell Publishing. https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Handbook+of+Early+Childhood+Care+and+Education-p-9781119148104
Serriere, S. (2015). Delving into the strengths and challenges of cases: Comparisons and contrasts. Case Studies in Elementary Social Studies: Becoming Integrated Thinkers. In E. Hinde and L. Bennett (Eds.). National Council for the Social Studies. https://www.socialstudies.org/ebulletin/becoming-integrated-thinkers
Serriere, S. (2014). Service-learning to empower second graders as change agents. In A.S. Libresco, J. Alleman, S.L Field, J. Passe (Eds.), Exemplary elementary social studies: Case studies in practice (pp. 95-110). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. http://www.infoagepub.com/products/Exemplary-Elementary-Social-Studies
Kawai, R., Serriere, S., & Mitra, D. (2014). Fostering civic efficacy and action through fifth graders’ civic ‘zines. In A.S. Libresco, J. Alleman, S.L Field, J. Passe (Eds.), Exemplary elementary social studies: Case studies in practice (pp. 35-58). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. http://www.infoagepub.com/products/Exemplary-Elementary-Social-Studies
Serriere, S., & Mitra, D. (2012). Critical issues and contexts of children and youth student voice in the United States. In R. Leitch (Ed.), International handbook of teacher and school development (pp. 223-253). New York: Routledge. https://www.routledgehandbooks.com/doi/10.4324/9780203815564.ch17
Serriere, S. & Mitra, D. (2012). Student voice and youth development. In C. Day (Ed.), The Routledge International Handbook on teacher and school development (pp. 223-232). New York: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/The-Routledge-International-Handbook-of-Teacher-and-School-Development/Day/p/book/9780415669702
Non-refereed publications:
Serriere, S. (Nov. 8 th, 2014). Improving democracy requires responsible citizenry. Centre Daily Times. Available at: https://www.centredaily.com/opinion/article42867696.html
Cayot, S. [1] (2005). Indiana University students visit Macedonia and the SEE University. REEIfication: Indiana University Eastern European Institute, 29(2), 5-14.
Refereed Teaching Articles:
Mitra, D., Serriere, S., & Burroughs, M. (2017). Critical Dialogue: A key skill for citizenship. Educational Leadership, 75 (3).
Serriere, S., Burroughs, M., Mitra, D. (2017). Kindergartners and “Philosophical Dialogue”: Supporting child agency in the classroom. Social Studies and the Young Learner, 29(4), 8-12. https://www.plato-philosophy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Published-Article-K-in-Philosophical-Dialogue.Serriere.Burroughs.Mitra_.SSYL_.Mar_.Aprl_.2017.pdf
Serriere, S., McGarry, Fuentes, D. & Mitra, D. (2012). How service-learning can ignite thinking. Social Studies and the Young Learner, 24(4), 6-10. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1002589
Serriere, S., Mitra, D., & Cody, J. (Nov/Dec 2010). Young citizens taking action for better school lunches. Social Studies and the Young Learner, 23(2), 4-8.
Book Chapters (teaching):
Serriere, S. & Boyle-Baise, M. (2009). Democracy project: Empowering student voice. In M. Boyle-Baise and J. Zevin (Eds), Young citizens of the world: Teaching elementary social studies through civic engagement (pp. 39-59). Taylor Francis/Routledge.
Non-refereed teaching articles:
Serriere, S. (July, 2014) Founding Mothers by Cokie Roberts. A book review on NPR/WPSU’s Book Mark: http://radio.wpsu.org/post/bookmark-founding-mothers-cokie-roberts
Brantmier, E., Cayot[1], S., & Smiley, A. (2004). The Unfinished Story. Indianapolis, IN: GLOBE Foundation.
Brantmier, E., Cayot[1], S., & Smiley, A. (2004). Social Studies and Language Art Global Curriculum. Indianapolis, IN: GLOBE Foundation.
[1] Cayot = maiden name
Guest Editor, Social Studies and the Young Learner, a publication of the National Council for the Social Studies, 2014-2015.
Chair of the Social Studies Research (SSR) Special Interest Group (SIG) of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), 2014-2015.
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